
Personality Grooming

Fazaia chain aims at producing effective and responsible citizens for the country. Hence, our academic goals have been designed while keeping in view the fact that education goes hand in hand with personality grooming at its campuses. Personality Grooming Programme of Fazaia institutions comprises diverse activities to inculcate the values of an effective citizen and a patriot national in each Fazaian. These activities range from tree plantation and cleaning campaign to celebration of religious festivals as well as national days. It is also worth mentioning that Personality Grooming Programme of Fazaia institutions include educational visits of students to the places from where they could learn dynamism of life and different fields. These activities play pivotal role in moulding student's personalities which help them to take up leading positions in every field of life. Out of numerous activities held to groom student's personalities, "Student's Council" is an important mechanism which inculcates team-work, confidence, and leadership skills in students.
